Our Approach
Click here to read our Curriculum Policy
Click here for our Curriculum Model
Click here to read our Vision for Teaching and Learning
Click here to read about our curriculum concepts and themes for learning (incoporating British Values)
Click here for KS1 National Curriculum
Click here for Early Years Foundation Stage
Halfway Nursery Infant School is a unique place. It has an individual identity that combines traditional values with modern and vibrant vision. Its traditional Victorian building, with beautiful grounds, evoke feelings of solidity and calm whilst housing a forward thinking and dynamic learning community.
At our school we are totally committed to the development of children, to offer them the best start to their formal education: an education that is rich in opportunities and experiences; one that influences a lifelong love of learning.
The curriculum forms the basis for our learning and the experiences our children enjoy during their time at Halfway Nursery Infant School.
Our curriculum uses the National Curriculum 2014 and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 2021 to ensure that every child develops the key learning steps defined within that documentation. However, we have developed a more expansive approach to its delivery that ensures our children receive experiences and opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills, understanding and attributes in ways that will guarantee that learning is relevant and meaningful. We ensure that learning at Halfway Nursery Infants broadens the aspirations, values and opportunities for every child as they grow and develop.
Our curriculum is unique, and is broad, balanced and flexible so that it always adapts and develops to fulfil the needs of every child. It is a curriculum which is child-centred and current. Our team work collaboratively to monitor and review the design and intent of the curriculum to ensure that it reflects our Vision to Curriculum Model.
Our curriculum is constantly evolving to ensure that we are responding to a rapidly developing world around us, and that we are offering our children the best start to their lives as successful citizens in the 21st Century.
We believe children learn better when they are excited and actively engaged; what excites children best is excellent teaching, which will challenge them and demonstrate what they are capable of achieving. When there is joy in what they are doing, they learn to love learning. The curriculum at Halfway Nursery Infants reflects this.
For more information about the curriculum the school is following, contact our headteacher, tel 0114 248 2360, email enquiries@halfway-inf.sheffield.sch.uk