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Activities in Action - A guide for relatives (Browser) - YouTube
Tapestry for parents/relatives: Setting your notifications - YouTube
Tapestry for parents/relatives: Adding an observation - YouTube
This section of our website is dedicated to remote learning for our pupils and is designed to support parents and carers. The page provides information in order to facilitate remote learning. Systems and procedures may develop and evolve and this will be updated when relevant and necessary.
First of all, parents should note that the government does not expect them to perform as teachers nor expect remote learning to be ‘education as normal but from home’. We hope to work in partnership with you to keep your children engaged with learning, but we recognise that families have individual circumstances such as multiple siblings, home working etc. which parents/carers also need to manage, do therefore we have tried to make our approach as flexible as possible in case children need to complete remote learning at different times throughout the day e.g. by filming teacher inputs for you to view as/when you need to.
The platform for setting online learning will be via Tapestry.
Teachers will plan and upload work to Tapestry and will provide feedback to parents/carers and/or children.
Work may be set by adults other than your child’s usual class teacher, for example if they are ill or teaching full time in school.
In the event that a child is not able to access remote learning, paper copies will be provided where requested and possible.
Teachers will provide feedback on children’s work regularly, however there may be instances where communication is delayed e.g. if the teacher is teaching children both at home and at school. In this instance, communication will generally take 2-4 times per week within the working day.
Learning will be planned weekly and will be uploaded daily (unless other arrangements have been made with the class teacher).
Teachers will access pupils’ learning through Tapestry and will provide feedback on submitted work each day.
Below, you will find details of a set of daily tasks for each year group that are suggested should your child be absent due to self-isolation. Teachers will keep a note of those who do not engage with home learning and try to support and encourage them to do so. If your child is unwell they are not expected to be working remotely at home.
Depending on the circumstances of the absence, teachers will remain in contact with the parents via Tapestry.
We will also keep in contact with you via phone calls home. A live daily lesson will be available online for children learning remotely in periods of lockdown/school closures so children are both able to access the full remote learning offer on Tapestry as well as engage with their peers and staff in live lessons and class assemblies to reflect and celebrate learning
Remember to break up the days with lots of breaks and physical activity - short, sharp bursts of activities will be more manageable for the children. Allow your child to choose the order of the tasks themselves in order to develop their ability to become independent learners. If you need any additional help or support, then please contact your child’s class teacher via Tapestry, but can we remind you that most staff are on a rota basis and could be in school on the day that you contact them, therefore they will be in touch as soon as possible.
What will be available and when?
These websites and resources are recommended by the DfE to help parents and carers keep their children safe online. Please follow the links for further advice, support and activities.
Think U Know – provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online
Parent Info – is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
Childnet – offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support
London Grid for Learning – has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
Net-Aware – has support for parents and carers from the NSPCC, including a guide to social networks, apps and games
UK Safer Internet Centre – has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services