Statutory information for school websites
Statutory items
Link to page/document on site
School contact details
- school name
- postal address
- telephone number
Named contacts for parents
Our ethos and values
Curriculum provision, content and approach, including Key Stage 1 phonics and reading schemes
Halfway Nursery Infant School
Station Road, Halfway, Sheffield S20 3GU
Tel main school 0114 248 2360
Tel nursery and Superkids 0114 247 0564
Debbie Shepherd (Executive headteacher),
Rebecca Hughes (Deputy headteacher)
Admission arrangements
- consideration of applications;
- arrangements for selecting pupils;
- oversubscription criteria;
- admission process.
Assessment information
A link to the entry on DfE Compare Schools site
Pupil Premium allocation,
Pupil Premium spend plans,
How Pupil Premium monies spent last year,
Impact of Pupil Premium funding
Details of Sports/PE Premium
- allocation of funding,
- how funding is to be spent,
- how previous year's allocation was spent,
- impact of spend on PE/Sport participation and attainment.
School's policy on behaviour
School's policy on supporting children with special educational needs
- admission arrangements
- ensuring those with special educational needs are not treated less favourably
- access facilities for pupils with special educational needs
School's policy on disability provision
Safeguarding Children
Details of all circumstances under which school makes a charges, and levels of such charges and remissions info - including criteria for exceptions
Governor business and pecuniary interests
See table below
Links to Ofsted reports and achievement and attainment performance data
Attendance Summary 2023-24 to date