Super Kids Wrap Around Care Service
Our Services
Our Super Kids ‘wrap around care’ services include a breakfast club, after school club and nursery lunch club. You can book places in advance, as well as on an ad hoc basis. You will be invoiced at the end of each month – you do not need to pay in advance. We have also offered this service to Halfway Junior School - this will give parents who have children at both schools the opportunity to benefit from the service.
Superkids is open from the end of the school day until 6pm. If your child is at Superkids and you need to contact us you can either call the school office (before 4:15pm) or the Superkids mobile phone: 07925197530.
For further information, or if you have any queries, speak to the school office tel 248 2360. You can download all our booking forms from this page.
Our prices
Booking Forms
NOTE: This must be completed on a weekly basis and returned by Thursday each week for the following week's booking.
Health Registration and Consent Form
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club is available from 7.45 am onwards during term time. There is a warm and friendly atmosphere with lots of activities to get your child’s brain ready for learning.
Children can enjoy toast, cereal, fruit juice and milk.
Children are delivered safely to their classroom ready for the start of the day.
Nursery Lunches
Nursery lunches, and associated additional one hour’s childcare, are available to all nursery children as an extra service to their 15 hours of free early learning. The costs are shown in the table above.

Super Kids Afterschool club
Superkids Club is held in our warm and friendly parent’s room in the nursery building. Jane and Zoe are our qualified Play Supervisors. They plan lots of exciting things for the children to do whilst winding down after a hard day at school or nursery.
Children are collected from their classrooms at the end of the school day and enjoy creative activities, games and films.
Children staying for 2 or 3 hours will also have their tea at the club. They enjoy pasta, jacket potatoes, soup and rolls and much more.
Sometimes we have special party teas to celebrate special occasions.
Super Kids is available to all Halfway Nursery Infant School children and Halfway Junior School children. Children from the Junior school are walked down and delivered safely to the club by a member of the Junior School staff.
Superkids club runs from 3.00pm – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday - all term time only.

Here’s what our children say about Super Kids!
“Jane, Zoey and Teresa are nice and kind, I like playing on the PlayStation and I like the food that they give us and I see lots of friends”
Georgie Age 8 (Y4)
“I like eating hotdogs and playing on the PlayStation. I like the football table too!”
Luka Age 7 (Y2)
“I like to play on the Star Wars game, I have beans on toast and biscuits” Lucas Age 3 (F1)
“I wish I could come everyday, I like having my tea” Cameron Age 3 (F1)
“I like tea and colouring and I like films”
Mia Age 5 (F2)
I like playing in the home corner and playing with the dolls. I like snack and milk”
Milly Age 6 (Y1)
“I like to play in the home corner” Alice Age 3 (F1)
I like colouring and I like having tea, I like to play and reading books” Bella Age 5 (Y1)
“I enjoy playing on the football table with my brother. I also like having hot dogs and pizza for tea. Super Kids always has lots of colouring to do” Jonathan Age 9 (Y5)
“When I come to afterschool club I have a nice time and it’s called Super Kids and it really is super” Isla Age 7 (Y2)
“I like having my tea. I like reading the Disney books, I have made new friends at afterschool club” Abby Age 5 (Y1)