What The Inspectors Said
April/May 2024
Relationships between staff and pupils across the school are caring and respectful. Pupils are safe in this nurturing environment.
The school has high expectations forall pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Right from the early years, children are friendly and chatty. They are enthusiastic about school and enjoy talking about their learning.
Pupils behave well. They meet the school’s high expectations for behaviour.
Pupils are motivated in lessons and have positive attitudes to learning.
Pupils are considerate of the needs of others.
Since the last inspection, the school has successfully redesigned the curriculum to ensure it is ambitious for all pupils.
Teachers make sure that pupils practise their knowledge before moving onto new learning.
The school has successfully introduced a new phonics scheme. Staff have been well trained to teach the programme consistently.
Early Years
Children in the early years get off to a strong start.
New starters settle quickly into the established routines.
Children are safe and comfortable in the highly stimulating environment.
There is a sharp focus on children’s language development and early mathematics.